Songwriting puzzles…

Which sounds better?

Below there are two 1-minute samples of the same song with a different chorus length. I welcome all comments, or I rather INVITE people to leave a comment to help me make a decision before I start recording the ultimate version of the song. So, many thanks to everyone, in advance.

At the moment, my poll shows 60% for the longer chorus [2nd choice].


Cover #1

Decision were made – I’ll use them both (versions, I mean)… difficult to explain in words, but you will see.

Now the problem is to find an accordionist …

Messaggio per Mario: questo qui sotto è il campione. Ho inserito un assolo di fisarmonica “posticcio”, che serve solo a dare una mezza idea del tipo di frapposizione che intendo dare allo strumento. Idealmente un amico di Emir Kusturica farebbe al caso, ma mi accontenterei anche della banda Casadei.

Attendo tue notizie.


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